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Lv 6

are there bodies of spiritual knowledge that exist today that have never been fully revealed to eye nor ear?

that are being kept alive and secret until they can be safely downloaded?

by safely downloaded, I mean held in mind and being until such could be completely articulated and/or recorded..

could someone or anyone moving among us today unknown or not contain such knowledge that would be considered radical by today's standards, that if disclosed to those who hold the publics best interests, would free mankind's inner nature and power, especially the individual, yet if undisclosed or to the "wrong" people, would keep mankind under the control of an imaginary tyranny of some who seem to think they are a kind of elite power structure?

I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories;

I was simply watching The Book Of Eli and some of the underlying themes, plots, characters and situations struck some chords.

maybe it's just good story telling but who knows, eh?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ~ There is nothing yet to be revealed. ~

    Truth is, and forever shall be, revealed to only those that are prepared and willing to receive Truth.

    "Nothing can be poured into a vessel that presently contains all that it can possibly hold."

    A vessel must shed some of that which it contains, in order to receive anything additional.

    Knowledge and Wisdom will run from no one, that is presently prepared and willing to receive it.

    Knowledge and wisdom are totally unaware of that which man perceives to be either 'right or wrong'.

    Knowledge and Wisdom are simply looking for a vessel that is empty enough to inhabit and once again be proud to call home.

    - If ones hard-drive is full, nothing additional may be downloaded.

    There is no conspiracy, or a conspiracy theory involved, in the parceling out of knowledge and wisdom.

    One is either ready to receive it, or one is not ready to receive it.

    There are no exceptions!


    There is great knowledge, and there is great wisdom that is indeed within these troubled times considered radical and even considered revolutionary.

    Knowledge and wisdom cannot be transmitted nor received by those that would use such knowledge and wisdom unjustly, or inappropriately.

    That is why it has always been regarded as "Wisdom".

    *When a receiver is broken or malfunctioning it is incapable of receiving anything.

    *Repair said receiver, and a vast treasury of knowledge and wisdom is graciously awaiting.

    Ask the appropriate question and the appropriate answer shall be given.

    Each shall be complimentary to the other.

    May that response be of some benefit...

    Peace be always with you.


    Source(s): a small insignificant brother....
  • 8 years ago

    You have no idea what that's like. There's still something you don't understand. I don't understand either.

    The wheel has come full circle I am here. Come almost home.

    A mathematician understood infinity to work in different shapes and quantities. Different types of infinity? Drove him insane and he put nails into his wife's head because her wig was falling off. He thought he was helping her. He understood something.

    The book Da Vinci Code made sense to me. Like they really did solve the mystery. Have you ever read a Gesture Life by Chang-rae Lee, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko? Good story telling too. Maybe something more. Some drama shows like the Walking Dead was more than just drama at first but then it just became drama in season 4.

    If you think me playing the role of that girl is relevant, can you indicate that somehow? Does this link mean anything to you in general?

    What struck me is that Eli never let anyone touch that book but him.

    Have you noticed that the antagonist of lots of movies seem to understand something the main character did like Agent Smith from the Matrix? Like in this movie the antagonist realized he could use the holy book to totally dominate weak and desperate minds.

    Keeping the faith. You know despite the amount of violence in some of those scenes, the violence didn't feel the same as other movies you know what I mean? Like that wasn't the focus more a by-product? But there was a stable energy something esoteric I guess you call "holy energy" even in those scenes.

  • Rama
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Spiritual means 'eternal'. If such beings exist today, then they have existed eternally, but there might not have been a necessity for them to show up in this particular place or time. Not up until now.

    Also, it is quite possible that there is a person accessible to you, if you desire hard enough, who can tell you all that you need to know. That person, if not God Himself, can be as good as God. Some call such a person 'Guru'.

  • 8 years ago

    No! Not at all. The perfect Creation is still perfect and still exactly as

    the Master Intelligence intended it to be aeons ago. No change ever

    happened except that the highest created spiritual being [mankind] made up

    a dream world. They had to forget their spiritual reality in order to inhabit

    the physical dream they made up.

    As Co-creators with Infinite Intelligence [but less powerful and actually unable

    to over ride Creation] man was able to make up a very convincing dream

    world with an abundance of man's own ideas...sin, sickness and death. Things that keep

    man's consciousness occupied and actively involved in furthering the illusory dream existence.

    Everything that is changeable, that rots or decays, that seems to die is part of man's dream.

    Part of the illusion man made up and lives in. Everything created by a Higher Intelligence

    is changeless and eternal. Except in his dream world, it is impossible for man to in any

    way change perfect Creation - or in any way offend the Infinite Intelligence behind all Creation.

    Prerequisite for Spiritual vision is willingness to see differently. As long as we hold to cherished

    beliefs in physical reality, we are refusing to see the truth and be open to Reality.

    Nothing in this world is real. Jesus died not to save man from sin, but to show man that the body

    is not important - that nothing in the world of illusion is as it seems. There is no good and evil.

    There is nothing to be saved from except illusion.

    Jesus also gave us one new commandment: that we love our brother - all mankind. Love.

    If we kill another person we have released them temporarily from the illusion, but the eternal

    part of man lives on So, We have not actually sinned ,,,but we have committed an unloving act.

    We will not be able to understand and absorb the true teachings until we do learn to

    love and cherish our fellow man and realize our oneness with all.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Sounds like you are fully ready to accept Gnostic herecy or scientology as true.

    They will promise to reveal "secret information" to you, once you have become "enlightened". Or had your wallet considerably lightened of any excess money it might have once contained.

    The knowlege you seek is not hidden. It is in the bible, and free for all who would want to discover it. Most people however do not wish to work that hard on the discovery of truth and would rather it be spoon fed to them. And never mind if what they so eagerly lap up isn't really true at all.

  • 8 years ago


    there an end, coming: If you what to count on that; too.

    (8) "Therefore wait for Me," declares the LORD, "For the day when I rise up as a witness. Indeed, My decision is to gather nations, To assemble kingdoms, To pour out on them My indignation, All My burning anger; For all the earth will be devoured By the fire of My zeal.

    (9)"For then I will give to the peoples purified lips, That all of them may call on the name of the LORD, To serve Him shoulder to shoulder.

  • 8 years ago

    May be it is possible,

    because the existence is very very mystical

    and this all entirely depends on the levels of perception of our own consciousness and awareness.

    Source(s): self.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No one will argue with the fact that our apparent reality is a construct. The only point that is arguable is who or what is responsible. Someone or something has all the answers.

  • 8 years ago

    Sure there are....

    it's obvious... anyone with spiritual discernment knows everything on the spiritual plain... there are no secrets...

    The spiritual people find these things all the time...



  • 8 years ago

    Whatever can or could be thought or imagined can or could exist in this expanding universe, so, anyone claiming to know it all is out to lunch.

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