is 18 grams of sugar a lot?

i just ate 2 cinnabons. mmmm! but each has 9 grams of sugar. so is 18 grams of sugar a lot?


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its average because soda like coke has like 30 grams of sugar, which is ironic because cinnabons are so sweet with the icinq, the bread sugar, the spieses sugar .....

jenny martinez2011-03-01T19:09:56Z

18 grams of sugar is not a lot but 18 grams of crack is.


Make a decision not to turn into one of those party people who drink all the time and get intimate with guys. Make a decision to be a positive and sweet individual. Be safe...Love you sis. <3


Considering a single can of Pepsi has 41g of sugar, I think your safe.

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