gaining weight due to growing up?

im a senior in highschool and roughly two years ago i weighed around 114 lbs. im the same height at 5'2'', but now i weigh around 120. is this typical?
i know women gain more curves as they mature, but i feel like i could have gained unneccesary weight. should i be concerned?


Favorite Answer

as girls age they gain weight around their hips for future pregnancies. this is normal


Weight gaining is not due to growing up but rather the amount of calories intake. If you are very concern over weight gain then you can write down your daily calories intake and reduce that amount. For example, if your daily intake of calories is 2000 then by reducing it to 1500, you will be able to lose some weight.


i'm a guy and i don't know if this is similar... but earlier last year i was 5'3 108 pounds. now i am 5'8 125 pounds. so i think as you get older you grow taller and a little heavier, probably due to growth of muscle. it seems the taller you get, the heavier you get


dont float your boat its only 6 lbs


its cause your getting FAT. lay off the cheese burgers and go for a ******* run once and a while