Experienced gardeners: What are the top 5 mistakes newbie gardeners make?


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planting too much garden for their experience....
choosing plants that require more care than they can give...
choosing plants without knowing the mature size it will be...
thinking that , with fertilizer or pesticide or herbicide, etc, that if a little is good, then more must be better!......
not learning the basics of good soil preparation....

Mama Mia2011-03-08T07:36:49Z

Besides all the obvious named by "answerers" already, I want to add a few more.

1. They just want to grow things without getting the right information on what they are growing.
2. Some don't realize the commitment (passion) involved to get through a growing season.
3. Not having a support system of experienced gardeners (ex like a local 4-h , Cornell Cooperative Extension group)
4. Not expecting the hidden dangers hidden in the soil and the air. (ex. bugs and disease) which will send them to the store to buy chemicals that can be harmful and expensive.
5. Last, but not least, they don't plant enough "Bee Loving Plants" to encourage the pollination of
their harvest.
That's my opinion why must beginners give up a rewarding and healthy hobby.
But they can support their local farmers and buy fresh locally.


I agree with all of these, especially the 'too much garden'. That was the biggie for me when I started. I had an acre and used most of it; way too much garden for someone who didn't know what they were doing. Now that I know a little more I can manage a larger area but no longer have the whole acre to use. Now I have a garden of less than 1/2 acre but it produces more and better produce than the acre did, mostly because I don't try to over-do things.

Good luck and enjoy!

Tubong Mangyan2011-03-08T03:25:31Z

1. Ignorance of plants sunlight requirement. Some plants needs full sun. Others partial shade. And still others just enough filtered sunlight.
2. Soil analysis. Different plants has different ph requirements.
3. Fertilizer requirement.
4. Watering. Not enough watering or too much watering.
5. Propagation.


I agree with other answers.
To expand on watering problems, I'd say not watering deep enough is a biggie. ( I've had folks tell me they set they're drip system to water a tree 5 minutes a day on a One gallon per hour emitter.)
Much better to apply several gallons of water once or twice a week according to weather and soil type.
Watering at the trunk and not drip line of an established tree is another common mistake.

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