What is personal branding?


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Your personal branding is how you describe what makes you different from the other people you're likely to be compared to. In a job-hunting context, for example, what is it that makes you uniquely qualified for the position and makes you stand out from the other people applying for the job? When you've answered that question, and you've arrived at a catchy way of expressing it, you've got your personal branding.

For example, there's a friend of mine who has a lot of experience in supply chain management (in a manufacturing context), from procurement to quality control all the way to inspecting finished products as they're shipped out. What made him stand out was that he could be effective at any point in the chain, and as a manager he could make sure it was running smoothly at ALL phases. When he was job-hunting, his personal branding was "I am a traffic cop for materials."


The term, "Personal branding" is the practice of people, who use to market themselves and their careers as a brand. Nowadays, the concept of personal branding has been increased a lot, that many experts helps in the promotion of personal branding. A friend of mine, suggested me to visit the website, http://www.michellevillalobos.com/keynotesspeeches/index.html, that helps in the promotion of personal branding.


Personal branding is the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.