What is a highball? (I know its a drink but what is usually in it and any info you have on that)?

i keep on seeing posters with "$something something Highballs" and being the noob that I am, I don't really know what highballs are. So if anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great.


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Why not ask the question "What is in the drink called a highball?" instead of asking a question the way you did and then going on to explain your question? Ask a clear question, get a clear answer.

From Wikipedia:

Highball is the name for a family of mixed drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer. Originally, the most common highball was made with Scotch whisky and carbonated water, which is today called a "Scotch and Soda".

Well-known examples of highballs include Jack and Coke, Rum and Coke, Cuba Libre, Scotch and Soda, Seven and Seven, the Moscow Mule, and gin and tonic. A highball is typically served in large straight-sided glass, for example, a highball glass or a Collins glass, with ice.


Old people always ask me in my restaurant for highballs and I always have to look it up. But... A highball is actually a type of glass. It is the jack and coke or vodka and tonic or whatever else type of glass. Tall and thin and cylindrical.


Its generally a liquor and ginger ale(or sprite, but usually ginger ale)