R&P: What's a favorite song that speaks of "moving on" or "letting go"?
Good afternoon R&P: American chess grandmaster and journalist, Punch here to share my life with you as it happens. A year ago I moved out of a beautiful Hollywood apt, put my stuff in storage and moved to an apt located near skid row in downtown Los Angeles. Looking to be inspired I wanted the "LA" experience.. Boy, I received it, and ended up in Detox/Rehab for five months. I have taken the reigns of my life back, and this week I have been cleaning out that storage, donating things to charity and moving forward with my life
Sleepy Jackson - I'm Moving On
Saying goodbye or grieving is very difficult for me and this led to my problems. In the last four years I lost my Mother, Kathy and Terry,the love of my life, and it's been wrenching just dealing with these losses.
Lou Reed : Magic & Loss
What's a favorite song that speaks of "moving on" or "letting go"?