Chest Congestion / Prescriptions?

For you in the Medical Profession. I have lung problems . . let's leave it at that . . and as a result I have some problems associated with that, in that I can catch colds easily and cannot shake them and they go right into my chest . . . As a result, it is not uncommon that I have to get on an antibiotics to clear it up and something to break up the mucous and help the coughing. When I see my doctor when I am crashing badly and obviously not on the mend . . I ask for Tussionex Pennkinetic Susp . . .as it really helps. I know it is categorized as"addictive" . . I'm not talking about using it as a lifestyle . .I'm addressing illness. When I get a prescription . . I invariably get a little bottle and it is about qtr full. maybe 50ml if I'm a good boy. (I'll be 60 in April by the way and have no history of addictions or abuse)

I know the stuff can be dispensed in larger qtys . . as the first time it was prescribed to me . . It was a large 300 dose prescription. Well . . I never abused it and used it only when it was needed . . . When I need it now, it's doaled out in such meager portions . . I find it most irritating to be treated this way . . . I get severe respiratory infections only occasionally . . .but the dose of cough medicine I'm prescribed is so small that I must call and beg a refill or come back in and do an eye to eye so the doc can charge additional office visit (imo) . . it's not like I'm remiss in going to him in the first place.
So . . without further ado . . has something changed in the profession with prescribing "addictive" remedies . . or should I just look for a new doctor? I haven't actually taken him to task regarding this, but I have been very clear that I wanted a reasonably dosed prescription instead of a tiny bottle good for 3 or 4 days on more than one occasion over the last few years. . . . to no avail.
Suggestions or enlightenment please.


Favorite Answer

As you can see Fred, the Medical Community is silent on your query. I believe this is proof that they'ed rather lock arms and stick together than to expose practices designed to garner your entrapment to their services. They don't listen, think they know all, and lack true care and concern. Not all mind you. But many are just dialed into a business/mill structure these days and the patient? Well: "what do I feel like today mentality" imo.


Sleep with a vaporizer however be certain it is a blank one, that's, that any filters on it are mould and micro organism unfastened. Take steamy showers. Even boiling water and staying within the kitchen will aid loosen the mucus so you'll be able to cough it up. Eat proper among at times. Drink lots of fluids as so we can skinny the mucus so it is simpler to cough up. Orange juice could not harm, however avoid any dairy merchandise as they make phlegm. Congratulations and pleasant of good fortune!