What is the single most important quality within a governmental leader?

There are no doubt many that would be deemed ultimately necessary, but what would you personally consider to be the most highly important?

Be kind, be honest, be sincere, and share your heart felt feelings!
Share your thoughts with others, please.


*footnote - So few responses to this critically important question tells this old fool, that the United States of America is in serious trouble!


Favorite Answer

To truly have the best interest of the people he represents his highest priority & the Wisdom to discern what that truly may be.
This is my last answer.
Many Blessings!

Looks like I was wrong about that last answer thing.
Many Blessings!


Depends on what kind of government and what kind of leader.
In the US, there are executive leaders like presidents, governors, and mayors.
I assume this is what you mean.
I would say ability to work and make decisions under pressure and not easily be swayed by opinions of others(but willingness to listen), lack of fear, and love for the people.




I think the best quality a leader can have is to remember that he/she works for the people.


Patriotism-the only quality ever needed to make a politician a good one.