Would you support a father's right to abortion?

Seriously, to all of you pro-choice people out there. If there were a way that a father could cause a mother to mis-carry a child with ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on the mother, with the exception of the same emotional experience a father who did not want a baby supported would suffer, would you support it? Say, within the first tri-mester...and without consent of the mother.

Of course it is 100% hypothetical, but if it could happen, would those of you who are pro-choice support it? Why or why not?


JohnS...so are you pro-choice for women?


Those who say the woman gets pregnant, it is her choice...both contribute the same to creating the life. If there is not consequences, I am talking about NONE. Why is it different?


Favorite Answer

No, but I would probably support the execution of the S.O.B.

edit: No. I do not think either parent (or anyone else) has the right to decide whether or not a child should be put to death.


Only women can get pregnant, only women have the choice. It is a choice, by the way for all women. A woman can choose to give birth or not. That decision cannot and should not be forced on her by others.

So obviously, a man forcing a termination without the consent of the mother is wrong. It is not his choice.


I do not feel ANYONE has the "right " to kill a baby...... but I tolerate Rowe vs Wade purely on pragmatic concerns..... anti-abortion laws are unenforceable.....they more often lead to TWO deaths not just one (I live in a country where abortion is illegal)
I may not be able to stop the mother from destroying a life but I certainly do not have to tolerate a mans killing of a baby to save a buck..... his options stopped when he had sex.....

EDIT I know two women who attempted to abort their unwanted child....one came within hours of dying from septic poisoning.....while the other has a drooling terrified idiot child who will never survive on its own....I'd rather have a clean safe medical procedure than a bloody coat hanger in a bath tub....
I must tolerate the murdering mother but I do not have to tolerate the murdering father.....


Of course, it's his uterus, his choice.

Though personally I recommend that he finish his sex change surgery before having sex.


So you want to wear a condom. Gratz for you dude...