Who is better Cloud Strife, or Zack Fair from FFVII?

okay so im for Zack Fair, but some people would argue that there basically the same, being that Cloud acts like Zack ( not hating on Cloud, i love him too, just not as much.)

So who is BETTER in your mind? or do you think there the same.

and i wont spoil anything, but for the people who know what im talking about, who is bummed about the end or Crisis Core? I CRYED.



Favorite Answer

Zack is so much better, cloud basically a bad clone of zack (even though I am a cloud fan ^_^) at the end of crisis core I kept replaying it over and over again hoping that I could beat the level and zack wouldn't die :(


Zack Fair


Boy oh boy, the price of freedom is steep.

Gamer Kitten2011-04-05T20:03:15Z

Locke & Terra