Would you support a father's right to abortion?

First, I apologize for the repeat question, but have changed the details.

A woman has an abortion and there is no impact on the father except any emotional impact that he incurs.


If a man had the ability to remove a fetus from the mother without miscarriage, abortion or any physical impact whatsoever...even restoring the woman as if she were never pregnant....THIS IS HYPOTHETICAL....would you support his right to terminate a pregnancy?


Some of you do not seem to understand what HYPOTHETICAL or RESTORING A WOMAN WITH NO IMPACT, means.

In reality, I think that you know EXACTLY what I meant, but you do not want to answer.

I have not found one woman who can truly reverse this, except that the woman carries the child and say that any man has the right to tell her what to do with that child, yet, it is 1/2 the man and they often feel that the man has NO SAY WHATSOEVER.


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Your Hypothetical is nonsense because from the first day the egg implants in the uterus, the hormones that lead to the profound sense of loss after a pregnancy is terminated will forever impact her mental health... The biology is clear, the woman is impacted from the first day the ovum implants so there will NEVER be a time I would support a man forcing a termination upon a woman.

I do not believe that a father has the right to tell a woman if she should or should not have an abortion. If his health and well-being were at stake, he'd have a say... But since the future mental health consequences and the rare yet possible to harm the female, it is her choice to abort or not abort.


If the father wants her to abort and she chooses not to, he should not be liable for child support.

It takes two people to make a baby but if he calls for the woman to abort the pregnancy and she CHOOSES not to... She CHOOSES to carry the pregnancy to term and CHOOSES to keep it and not give it up for adoption, the male shouldn't be held liable for the choices that the woman made.

I'll say it again for clarity... NO ONE should have the right to force an abortion on a woman or prevent her from having one if she is so selfish as to want to keep a child she can't care for... If she is of age and mentally capable of comprehending her choice, it is still her choice and no medical procedure should be forced on someone that is mentally capable of denying consent.


If the baby-daddy says "You should abort it. I don't want it. You can't care for it. The only smart, non-selfish thing is to abort the fetus rather than give birth to it and be unable to provide a healthy home for it." then the male should not be forced to provide for a child that the MOTHER chose to keep over his protests.

We women keep screaming that we want equality... Well, part of "Equality" means being held responsible for your own choices in life.

♥ If you didn't want to get pregnant, you should not have chosen to open your legs...

♥ If you didn't want to get pregnant, you should have taken better precautions against pregnancy including BOTH chemical contraception AND condoms...

♥ If you didn't want to get pregnant, you should have got off your deadass and gotten Plan-B, The Morning After Pill, Emergency Contraception.

♥ If you didn't want to be a mom, you should have aborted the pregnancy.

♥ If you didn't want to be a mom, you should have arranged for adoption before birth.

"Equality" means taking responsibility for your choices and not screaming "But I'M A GIRL!" when your poor decision making fu*ks you...

Awesome Writer2011-04-06T16:13:39Z

No, the mother carries the baby, not the father. He can just disappear out of the picture and doesn't even have to be involved whatsoever, so it is up to the mother if she wants to have an abortion or not since she is the one who bears the inconvenience (or blessing) depending on how you look at it.


What you overlook, even in a hypothetical, is that the argument is that its a woman's body, therefore her choice. Not that its a question of parental, or non-parental rights.

So no, I would not support another person's right to do anything at all to another persons body without permission.

ducky aka Mr Duck2011-04-06T16:14:23Z

your hypothetical dilemma is silly and lame

lets just stick with reality (or is the real world to boring for you ?)