Netflix and AT&T Data Streaming?

As a result of AT&T instituting the 150gigabyte per month limit, my dad has begun to watch how much internet I use. My siblings want to get Netflix for the TV streaming, but my dad fears that it will cause us to go over the 150gigabyte limit and get charged for it.

Can someone tell me or link to me how much Netflix uses up? I thumbs up and pick best answers!


Mr. Smartypants2011-04-10T16:58:08Z

Favorite Answer

It's not really easy to say because Netflix movies are heavily compressed to get them down the line faster. But it's reasonable to say that a movie on Netflix uses about as much space as a movie on DVD. On a DVD a movie is maybe 5 gb. (DVDs are bigger than that, but they also include a lot of special features, different soundtracks, etc. The movie itself is usually 4-5 gigs.)

So at 150 gigabytes per month you could watch 30 Netflix movies, maybe one a night. If you didn't do any other downloading.


150 gigs is okay to watch netflix, make sure u dont use utorrent...coz some time i download more than300 gigs /month ..