Global warming solutions?

I am writing a problem/solution essay on global warming for my English class. I have pretty much everything figured out, except for the part where I compare MY solutions to OTHER solutions and explain why my solutions are superior.

I divided my solutions into two parts: what the government can do, and what the people can do. The solutions I propose for the government are cap-and-trade (and similar legislation), studying/investing in renewable energy sources, and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. The solutions I propose for individuals are the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle), transportation (public transportation, hybrid cars, etc), and creating energy-efficient homes.

One of my ideas for an “inferior” solution is to state that, while the use of alternative energy resources is important in combating the effects of global warming, the risks/consequences/costs of some proposed resources outweigh the benefits (eg nuclear energy). I was also thinking about including CCS (aka carbon sequestration aka clean coal).

What do you think?

Thanks for your help :)


Favorite Answer

The "Iron Hypothesis" is a method of increasing marine bioproductivity and sequestering carbon. It has been tested a dozen times and companies are already lined up to fertilize the ocean and sell carbon credits. If we need to remove CO2 from the air, there is a tested solution.
Please don't confuse CO2 with pollution. It is not...CO2 is actually nutrition for plants and Earth is dominated by plants. The rise of CO2 is actually fertilizing the planet.
Greenhouse gases are necessary for life on Earth. 100 million years ago, there was ten times the amount of CO2 as today. Neither the Earth or its mammals perished in a ball of flame. Did you know we are due to go back into an ice age according to the O-18 record?
If you'd like to criticize CO2, try this angle: the rise of CO2 means the decline of atmospheric oxygen. C + O2 = CO2.
One more thing, the gas most responsible for the greenhouse effect is H2O. Water vapor accounts for 50-60% of the GE. CO2 accounts for 25%.


Global Warming Problem Solution Essay




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Global warming solutions?
I am writing a problem/solution essay on global warming for my English class. I have pretty much everything figured out, except for the part where I compare MY solutions to OTHER solutions and explain why my solutions are superior.

I divided my solutions into two parts: what the government can...


Look while those solutions would help a little there is now way to prevent the natural warming and cooling processes on the earth. Did you know that there have been 5 different heating and cooling processes in the last 415,00 years and that global climat charts show that while in the last few year there have been global temp increases we are in a period of cool down. so you can't prevent global warming and cool but you can affect the speed at which it happens.

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