Global warming solutions?
I am writing a problem/solution essay on global warming for my English class. I have pretty much everything figured out, except for the part where I compare MY solutions to OTHER solutions and explain why my solutions are superior.
I divided my solutions into two parts: what the government can do, and what the people can do. The solutions I propose for the government are cap-and-trade (and similar legislation), studying/investing in renewable energy sources, and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. The solutions I propose for individuals are the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle), transportation (public transportation, hybrid cars, etc), and creating energy-efficient homes.
One of my ideas for an “inferior” solution is to state that, while the use of alternative energy resources is important in combating the effects of global warming, the risks/consequences/costs of some proposed resources outweigh the benefits (eg nuclear energy). I was also thinking about including CCS (aka carbon sequestration aka clean coal).
What do you think?
Thanks for your help :)