Excel 2007 advanced functions?
I need a formula or function that will check a range of dates and then return a color for that cell.
like 0-30 days = white, 30-60 days = amber, 60-90 days = red
row column A B C
1 | 02/01/2011 | current date | (red colored cell) |
2 | 03/01/2011 | current date | (amber colored cell) |
3 | 04/03/2011 | current date | (white colored cell) |
ok i got to this function:
=IF(H2="done","green",IF(AND(N2<=59,N2>=0),"white", IF(AND(N2>=60, N2<=89),"amber", IF(N2>=90,"red"))))
but now i just need the colors to work. So how can i make the "green","amber",and"red" not just text but actual colors to fill the cells.