If it was proven that Obama wasn't legally eligible to be POTUS then what?

I am not looking for an argument on if he is or not, just legally what would happen, would all the things he signed be revoked or would they be allowed to stand, would Biden be allowed to step in or would he be discounted because of Obama winning the election under fraud, would McCain and Palin win by defualt and be handed the presidency? Like I said no sides on this I think it would be interesting to know how this would be handled if it ever happened, It would differ from anything else because it would void his election and not just be an impeachment or death like what has happened before.


Bruce, I know people have been impeached, but if it was proven he didnt have legal status to be POTUS before the swearing in, I don't see how his actions could be legal or binding, and as for Biden he really wanst elected if the votes were gained under fraud so I don't know how legally he steps in. I would like to see some legal proof as to what happens.

Raymond C2011-04-19T11:49:41Z

Favorite Answer

The ramifications would be astounding.


Biden would become President. The bills Obama signed would not automatically be invalid, many officials have been disqualified and their laws have stood, but you could expect a lot of challenges to them and who knows what the Supreme Court would do.


If that were to happen, the logical consequence would be that all 289 Republican in the House and the Senate would go to jail for "dereliction of duty".....because that would prove that EITHER they were too stupid to be Members of Congress OR that they were too lazy to usurp an illegal President...


Then Biden would be President. Better get working on that proof instead of doing something productive!


If it was proven that Martians caused the earthquake in Japan, then what?