What is meant by parliament of crows?

If members of a parliament make a lot of noise, not allowing a resolution to be made, then the situation can be figuratively called "a parliament of crows".

In Swedish, it's called "kråkriksdag", which is roughly translated as "crow parliament". Old folklore told of groups of crows essentially holding court over members of their flock that had committed offenses. If they decide against the "defendant" crow, then the rest of the flock swoops down on it and kills it. This is usually referred to as "murder of crows".


What other meanings can there be?


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A version of the three crows is probably based on the three ravens folk tale where three crows plot to devour the corpse of a dead knight only to be thwarted by the knight's hawk, hound and mistress

Three crows are also often implicated in the parliament of crows where three crows preside over a larger number of crows and sit in judgment over the fate of another crow. The verdict sometimes results in a crow being set upon by all the other crows. This behavior and their tendency to show up at battle fields and the scenes of murders may be explain the collective term for crows as being a 'murder of crows'.

Derived from this when a member of parliament holds up a bill he is set upon via haggeling by other members.

Odly enough the collective noun for crows is a "murder" of crows which is also based on the folk legend, parliament is collective noun for owls.


i would say that is the exact meaning.

they're trying to kill whatever bill that some are trying to get passed, or whatever situation is being voted on.

FILIBUSTER (thats what a delay is called here in america. & its a single person)

A filibuster is a type of parliamentary procedure. Specifically, it is the right of an individual to extend debate, allowing a lone member to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a given proposal. It is cynically referred to as talking out a bill,[1] and characterized as a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body.
the use of irregular or obstructive tactics by a member of a legislative assembly to prevent the adoption of a measure generally favored or to force a decision against the will of the majority.

an exceptionally long speech, as one lasting for a day or days, or a series of such speeches to accomplish this purpose.

a member of a legislature who makes such a speech.


Just as you have a flock of sheep, a herd of cattle, a school of fish, then we also, for some odd reason.
a parliament of crows. I think it is cute.


its a parliamrnt of owls