A poster recently, when asked to state the AGW hypothesis, offered this.
“Human actions, most specifically our burning of fossil fuels, is leading to significant climate alterations, including but not limited to a significant rise in the average temperatures of the atmosphere, near surface, and oceans. Further, this rise (I believe somewhere between 2 and 5 degrees a century, at present estimates) will cause significant disruptions to both natural systems and human social organizations if unchecked”
Can this hypothesis be proven?
Oh Dookie, did you get out of bed on the wrong side again?
Your opening paragraph contains the obligatory insult. This time I got “requires a level of science clearly well beyond your capabilities”. This is interesting. You don’t know me. You don’t know my academic achievements or capacity, and you don’t know my areas of expertise. Yet, with virtually no supporting evidence you draw the conclusion that I am incapable of understanding science. Quite clearly you set the bar on the burden of evidence very low.
Your fist paragraph concludes by telling us that politicians lie. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ on that, I hadn’t noticed.
Your second paragraph discusses smoking and Stalinism. Your last paragraph discusses the membership of a science society. Your second to last paragraph discusses long term consequences IF human CO2 significantly impacts climate.
So that leaves us with the single line you offer to support the hypothesis: “Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human
activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.” You omit to point out that the line is preceded by this caveat. “…place high or very high confidence in the following findings:” They don’t say it IS so, they say it is very likely. Perhaps I’m wrong and you can find me the part where they say anthropogenic CO2 IS causing climate change.
Out of curiosity, I'm going to let this go to the vote. I would otherwise have given best answer to flossie for the depth and eloquence of his discourse.
david b2011-04-21T07:09:12Z
Favorite Answer
At the 93% confidence interval the first part already has been proven - it's the quote from Phil Jones that deniers always take out of context.
As for the second part, yes it can be strongly supported. All that has to happen is for global temperatures to rise in the 2-5 degree range and for significant disruptions to natural and human systems to occur.
Lacking any alternative driver to climate other than CO2, it would be the obvious conclusion to draw.
Can the hypothesis be proven? Please take this from a neutral position. I am only going to state what the science tells us.
"Human actions ... leading to significant climate alterations" - this at the moment is suggested to be highly likely based on scientific evidence. Therefore it would be concluded that "current research and data suggests that humans are significantly influencing the global climate". Technically not "proven" but the data concludes that that part of the hypothesis is supported.
No matter if you agree AGW is real or not, the conclusion stated above will be drawn.
"signficant rise in average temperatures of the atmosphere, near surface and oceans" - a value for "significant" would have to be determined to draw any conclusions. Data and research largely agrees with that hypothesis. Therefore it would be concluded that "current reserach and data shows that average temperatures of the atmosphere and near the surface have risen at a trend not previously recorded or documented". I am unsure about ocean temps. If humans are causing this rising trend can not be "proven" but no known natural variables have been able to explain the trends observed.
Again if you are for or against AGW, the conclusion above will be drawn from the data available irrespectively.
"This rise ... will cause significant disruptions ... if unchekced". This part of the hypothesis assumes that a rise will occur (the data suggests that this assumption is a likely scenairo , only time will "prove" it or not). If it is assumed that the temperatures will rise, it would be quite safe to hypothese the disruptions. The impacts of climatic variability and factors has been measured and observed in the past. The potential impacts from similar climatic variability and factors would be assumed to be similar to past impacts if nothing is changed. (E.g. a heat wave kills X people in London, if nothing is done to mitigate or manage the impact of future heat waves it would be accepted that X people would die in the future). Ultimately though, it will only be proven if "nothing" is done ... bit late to help any one or thing after the fact. It is called risk management (or you may know it more colloquially as insurance).
"The hypothesis will only be proven when it comes true. That's the nature of the scientific method. The proof will be that global temperatures rise by 2-5 degrees C in this century."
In other words, given that a positive result for the hypothesis would result in millions of deaths, any real certainty about AGW should be regarded as forbidden knowledge. We must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions so that we never prove the hypothesis that humans are causing dangerous global warming.
The hypothesis will only be proven when it comes true. That's the nature of the scientific method. The proof will be that global temperatures rise by 2-5 degees C in this century.
What we have now is a broad consensus (or not) among climate scientists that this hypothesis will come true and drastic action is needed now to avert the impending disaster.
Current empirical evidence, however, is not supporting the hypothesis. Ocean temperature as measured by the Argo buoy system shows no increase, but a slight decrease. http://joannenova.com.au/2010/10/is-the-western-climate-establishment-corrupt-part-3/ This is quite significant because the oceans hold 80%-90% of terrestrial heat. Atmospheric temperatures are rising, but the rate of increase is nothing to be alarmed about- if you look at UAH data here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/widget/
Other temperature sources paint a more alarming picture. And sea levels seem to be increasing as well, but again the RATE of increase is falling off, contrary to what you would expect if the AGW hypothesis was correct. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/28/bombshell-conclusion-new-peer-reviewed-analysis-worldwide-temperature-increase-has-not-produced-acceleration-of-global-sea-level-over-the-past-100-years/
Note to Kool-aid drinkers: This paper was published in a peer reviewed publication, not a right wing blog. And yes, there is a link to the paper itself in the above link.
I know there is some current empirical data supporting the hypothsis. I also know there is research contradicting the sea level findings. My point is, all it takes is one piece of contradictory data to falsify a hypothesis. Furthermore, if there is such disagreement over the magnitude of the current warming trend or sea level rise, how can we possibly make predictions about the future?
Proving it convincingly requires a level of science clearly well beyond your capabilities, so you can choose to believe either the world's top scientists (see below) or those, like the Republican members of the U.S. Congress, who are not scientists at all, but active liars about climate science.
You could, however, help test the "hypothesis" that smoking causes cancer. Start smoking three packs a day now, and check back with us in thirty years. But, kindly don't insist that we all smoke three packs a day too just to satisfy "skepticism" or alarmist paranoia about taxes causing Stalinism.
U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12782&page=1 “Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.” http://nationalacademies.org/morenews/20100716.html “Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.” http://www.nasonline.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ABOUT_main_page “The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”