In the movie Iron Man 2 in the office of Pepper Potts, what was the metal puzzle that kept swinging?

In the lastest installment of Ironman 2 there was some sort of metal puzzle that kept swinging on the desk of Pepper Potts. Tony, of course hated it and tried to stop it, but was unable to. Anyone know what that item or puzzle was called?


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i don't think of you need to ought to have absolutely everyone show you how to already know which you appear to be absolutely everyone different than your self by way of fact everybody which incorporate YOU is exceedingly no be counted what. it is not important if somebody says good day you appear to be a variety (and likely that should come off as a compliment) by way of fact you need to understand on the interior which you're you and that's in simple terms how that's. you're exceedingly for being YOU! continuously!