What are my chances of getting into the following colleges?

I'm a junior in high school and will be applying to west Chester and temple in September. Just trying to evaluate where I stand. My cul gpa is around a 3.02 and I got a 1640 on my SATs. I also have a few extra curiculars mostly in music. Thoughts?

Prof. Cochise2011-05-01T12:50:18Z

Favorite Answer

You can compare your credentials to last year's admitted class at any accredited school in the USA at collegeboard.com. Do a college search and find the school, then use the "How Do I Stack Up?" service. I ran your numbers through for the 2 schools, using SAT scores of 545 for M and CR.

You are probably okay for West Chester U


Temple looks okay as well:


My advice - apply to both and if accepted, run the numbers and go to whichever will leave you with less debt. I know plenty of former students who have decent jobs but who live in near-poverty due to school loans.