Has Obama finally shut Trumps trap after his public humiliation.?

Nice to see they both took it in good part... but it was long overdue.


Donald seems quite a desperate self publicist...having found Obama isn't a total roll-over I suspect he will pick on another easier target next. As for Obama, I think he enjoyed himself for once, nice to see him smile.


I detest attention grabbing show-offs and I always think it most fitting to ignore them and hope they move on...but sometimes the best way to deal with stupid behavior is to show everyone who the real fool under the silly wig is.


Favorite Answer

President Obama was shining his beautiful sense-of-humor at the dinner, but The Donald looked constipated and miserable.

Shut Trump's trap? I doubt it....

Misty Blue2011-05-01T19:31:42Z

I detest Trump but he managed to get Obama to produce the goods for him,when no one else did,he wins either way.Quite shrewd but he'd still make a cr@p President.


Shut Trump up? You don't know Trump very well, do you?


Exactly, you don't know Trump very well.


agreed. trump actually thinks people will vote for him? he is just a power hungry idiot.

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