Is there a real animal vet here?


Both of my dogs are spayed thank you very much!


CF, I live in the country, it's sunday night and our vet is closed.


TK, your answer is the one I choose. You're absolutely right.

susan n2011-05-01T17:23:05Z

Favorite Answer

There are a couple of real veterinarians and veterinary technicians/technologists who sometimes post in the cat and the dog sections.
They are only on sporadically and only give general sorts of "wellness" advise.
As someone else noted, they are not allowed to diagnose or treat an animal they have not examined. Only one of the several fake ones would attempt that.

You could try calling your vet's# and leaving a message. Possible your vet checks them. Also listen to the whole office message as they always do have a number for emergencies, though that may be a vet far from you.


I really dont think a licensed vet would waste their time answering questions on Y.A
I really wanted to be a vet, BADLY! I dropped out 2nd year of med school and graduated computer science instead ~:( nat nearly as rewarding as being a vet would have been, not just for the money BTW, thats why i (and most other people) try helping people with little or no experience and help animals :)


None that will admit it. People with an MD or a DVM are legally bound to examine a patient before dispensing medical advice beyond offering what an average knowledgeable layman would know. For an MD or DVM to tell someone "Hey, I'm a DVM and this is what you should do, ..." would jeopardize his/her license to practice medicine.


then the same applies to human males without fathers everywhere...who is anyone to dictate whats to be spayed and what isnt when half the human males cantkeep it zipped up...?

never trust anyone online....some people could pretend they are...visit a vet as soon as you can...


It's illegal for a vet to give out medical advice without an exam. Your vet's answering machine/service has emergency info.

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