Topical Subject For A Class Speech?

Every year in English we have to do a class talk. The talk can be based on anything at all, it's personal choice. I was thinking of doing stereotypes by there's not really anything I could build off on that if that makes sense.
Therefore, I am pretty clueless. I want to do something topical and that will catch the audiences attention. Any ideas?


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You can do an an analysis of what you think of euthanasia.
Euthanasia is the process of putting someone "to sleep" to give them a peaceful death. There are many ways you can argue it. One way you can put it is that euthanasia is actually the act of killing someone, which is murder. And that to kill the person, even in a peaceful manner, is taking the decision out of their hand.

On the other hand, what if the person has cancer? AIDS? Can you sit there and watch a family member suffer through the hell of living terminally ill? Wouldn't you want the ability to be able to give the some peace of mind?

It's a really deep subject that many can relate too. And if not, can imagine almost just as strongly.


try a speech about the heroes of your country.