Would Herman Cain be the next president?

He would be impressive. It would be interesting for African Americans to realize that workers benefit most when the owners of their companies are in a position to hire people. I just hope to see Romney, Huckabee, and Palin to argue and for Herman to slip under the radar.


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I don't think Herman Cain will be the next president, but at least he knows how to show up to a debate. As far as I'm concerned, we should choose the Republican nominee from the 5 candidates (Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain) who will be debating tomorrow and should ignore all other candidates that are too cowardly to show up to debate.


After this Obummer ordeal it will be a long long time before another black president will be elected people are fed up with Obummer and anytime you disagree with his policies you are a racist even if you are a dem don't matter he is the messiah

Peace Through Blinding Force2011-05-04T22:13:49Z

I dig him very much.
Plus it would be fun to watch the entire Democrat machine fly into their panicked "don't vote for the ******" campaign - again.


the answer is NO, he is a republican.

John Doe2011-05-04T22:14:12Z

No thanks to the nitwits under the GOP

Obama please