Have Endometriosis, possibly Interstitial cystitis. IDK What to do!!?
I have endometriosis, had surgery, went thru 6 months of therapy, which did nothing except cause me more pain. Before diagnosis and after, I have always had pain/pressure when I urinate. Nothing like a UTI. But it's always been uncomfortable and i've always had daily pelvic pain, especially weird sharp pain between my anus and vagina. I get pain where I just freeze, unable to move. And I cannot handle this anymore. Nothing brings me relief. I've seen a gynecologist, who just prescribes me Birth Control, which I'm starting in the next month, but last time I was on BC, it didn't help this pain I have when I urinate. My GP, is amazing, and always tries to find an answer for my issues, but IDK how to bring this up to him. I don't want him to think I am a Hypochondriac. But I know a lot of women who have ENDO, also have IC.
Can anyone give me advice on how to bring this up to my doctor? How did you get your diagnosis, and what do you take/do to control the pain..
Just seems like no one takes this seriously. I'm tired of being in pain 24/7