Why do dogs eat excrement?

My white GSD eats excrement deposited by my other dog a jack Russell. I go to pick it up and she invariably beats me to it why does she do it ??

Wee Trojan2011-05-11T07:15:08Z

Favorite Answer

when they need worming.

Purple dragonette2011-05-11T14:15:54Z

Generally when a dog eats excrement from another animal, it's a sign that they are missing something in their diet.


perhaps she is lacking in a few nutrients. when we fed our puppies on james wellbeloved (high end puppy food) they stopped doing it as the better food has more nutrients in the first place. apparently sea weed powder on the food replaces some of the things she's trying to get by eating the poop.


The food you are giving it must be really **** if it prefers crap.