Very small worms that could enter humans body through skin?
I think there are worms that actually small enough to get inside human body through skin. Are these worms visible (by naked eye)? And if let's say there is a worm like that enter your body, what should you do?
I was preparing food for lunch and I saw a short white thread on my hand. After I looked at it carefully, I just realized that it's wiggling/moving. I took a piece of paper and wiped my hand, so I don't know what happened afterward to that thing. It's too small if I looked for it again anyway.
But if I can see it, I guess it's not one of those worms, right?
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there are several types of parasites, but while mites such as scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei) may burrow into your skin in general worms will not. However if it is insect larvae it can be laid under the skin by the female who can create a wound to lay eggs in or some species will lay eggs in a wound which is already open. Other parasites enter the body when they are eaten with food, or are passed on by other individuals of the same or another species. Such individuals are called "vectors" and a good example is the tropical mosquito which carries the larval stage of a type of worm called Onchocerca volvulus. These bad boys get into your eyes and lymph glands and can cause blindness.
Anyway, since you were preparing food it is most likely insect larvae from the food- and no need to worry ;)
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yeah there are some worms that are parasitic and enter into human body and eat his flesh and produces poison whch is very dangerous....they had stings attached to them whch help them in attachment wid flesh....and produces severe pain whch is intolerable.
Yes. Those are parasitic worms. If they enter your body, it's best that you see a doctor so he/she can help you get rid of it. And no, they're not visible by naked eye.