What makes a hot water heater get hot?
My hot water heater stopped putting out hot water during my shower. What could it be?
My hot water heater stopped putting out hot water during my shower. What could it be?
Favorite Answer
Because you are drawing off hot water faster than it can be heated, or the heater is not suitable for a shower. Try turning the hot water down a bit to see if it improves.
John S
If you have an electric hot water tank there are elements (usually two) that heat the tank. If one of these elements are not working it will reduce the amount of hot water. Are you living in an apartment? Do these other residents use the same supply of hot water? If this is the case maybe the other users are using the hot water before you have your shower.
There's a fire somewhere. Either using coal or oil as fuel. And it's heating a big tank of water, usually.
So there's not too much that can go wrong. It's all straightforward. Unlike most of life.
possibly blew a fuse or breaker.If it was a gas h2o heater,check to see whether the gas was off & the pilot light went out.