Why are so many Yahoo! news articles riddled with so many grammatical errors and simple spelling mistakes?

I can't seem to finish reading a paragraph without coming across at least two sentences with horrible structure or glaring spelling errors. I would expect the Yahoo! news department to at least have editors and proofreaders on staff if they're going to claim to be a competent news agency?


It's funny because there's a tiny error in that last sentence I just wrote!!! Let's see if you can spot it.


Favorite Answer

,Sadly a lot of people cannot spell correctly or construct a sentence through no fault on their part . and lots of others are in too much of a hurry or cant be bothered .


sure, it does. much extra so on Yahoo solutions. there's a equipped in spell checker. there is not any excuse for it. as quickly as I see posts or solutions like that I right this moment get the impact that the author could desire to be a extreme college dropout and their answer/opinion is in all probability valueless.


No question mark at the end of last sentence.

Caroline H2014-01-29T09:11:14Z

"their" is missing after proof readers on