Suggestions while visiting Seattle?
What are some hotel suggestions while staying in Seattle? I've seen people ask this question before and wanting some advice on picking a hotel. What most of the people asking the question said they were looking for something cheap. I honestly am not too worried about price since I'm going on vacation and would like to have a nice experience. I've been told at night, downtown Seattle can get a bit sketchy? Just want to make sure that the hotel I'm staying at is safe if we're walking around.
I was thinking about renting a car while visiting. Do you think it's necessary? I will be staying four days.
What are some restaurant recommendations? What time do restaurants usually close during the weekends? What are your favorite bars? What time do the bars close?
I know I have lots of questions and I do appreciate any input you have. Thank you in advance for your help.
Please only answer with your own experience. I can easily look up on google too.