Happy Birthday Roland Gift! What was your favorite song from Fine Young Cannibals?

Happy 50th birthday Roland!

One minute your considered a renaissance man and the next minute...?
Fine Young Cannibals released two very well received records and then... Nothing
I sometimes wondered what happened to this talented and gifted singer/actor

In 1990, he was named by People magazine as one of the "50 Most Beautiful People" in the world.

In 2002, Gift released a self-titled solo album, featuring the single "It's Only Money". In 2007, Gift was in a recording studio working on a follow-up album.

oh well, What was your favorite song from Fine Young Cannibals?


Favorite Answer

i think it was a case of 'moving to america syndrome' that was the death-knell for many bands, as he says in an interview just before the release of his solo album in 2002

johnny come home - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMpjWxsPXOE


Haha, that guys voice always made me smile. Not really a fan of FYC, but they had some cool singles. I'd like to wish him a happy 5-0. I don't know much about him, but wasn't he in the English Beat too? I just thought that because of the similar voices.

I guess my favorite song by FYC would be Suspicious Minds.


Well Happy Birthday, Roland! I remember seeing him on the Highlander series - he was an Immortal.... haha.

Good Thing
Don't Look Back

Lady Silver Rose * Wolf2011-05-28T16:02:38Z

Good afternoon Punch :)

I remember watching Roland in an early 90s episode of "Heartbeat".

Good Thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrOek4z32Vg&fmt=18
She Drives Me Crazy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSCJJkFgt_w&fmt=18
Johnny Come Home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMpjWxsPXOE&fmt=18


Same here Eddie Vedder
Suspicious Minds

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