Could this be pneumonia? ?

I have been sick for a week now (since Sunday) and I am not getting any better. Monday I had a fever of 102.7but it went away. My general symptoms are green mucus from nose and throat, Severe coughing, shortness of breath, and gurgling when I breath. I can cough everything up but it comes right back. I would go to the doctor but I've had pneumonia several times and I usually have a fever so my mother is convinced I just have bad allergies. Let me know what you think. Oh and I have wisdom teeth removial surgery on Tuesday so I'm not sure if they will do it if I'm sick.


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I Would Seek Medical attention 2 weeks you have been sick you need to see a Doctor ASAP For a checkup or to your local hospital or E.R to subscribe you some type of antibiotics. Do not get your Tooth Extracted it will cause other problems as well I don't think the Dentist would do it if they see how sick you are. Its just my opinion I Hope you feel better.


My mom had the same symptoms.As it turned out she had really bad bronchitis and it was possibly brought on by seasonal allergies.It could have turned into pneumonia,but she managed to take care of it before it got to that point.She is feeling much better now.
Here is a list of the things she took:
1.Vitamin C(in pill form).
2.Echinacea(in pill form).
3.Emergen-C(which is a fruit flavored powder that you mix with water then drink it).
4.Throat Coat(which is a hot tea that comes in a tea bag and it makes a sore throat feel really,really good).
5.Lung Tonic(which can be taken in pill form or liquid form.The liquid form is a dropper that can be put into a drink.We use the liquid form - dropper.).
6.Lung Support(which can be taken in pill form or liquid form.The liquid form is a dropper that can be put into a drink.We use the liquid form - dropper.).
7.ALJ(which can be taken in pill form or liquid form.The liquid form can be put into a drink.We use the liquid form).

If you have anymore questions just e-mail me.


Your dentist should have put you on an antibiotic to prevent infection, but it does sound like you have a respiratory tract infection, such as sinusitis or bronchitis. Get on an antibiotic ASAP, whether it involves calling the dentist over the weekend or going to an exigent are canter.


having wisdom teeth removed can cause lots of probs go to the doctors you will then get help