Washington is borrowing over $100,000,000,000 a month. OK with you?

This administration is borrowing over 100 BILLION dollars a month and we taxpayers and our children's name is on the loan papers as the borrower. Our national debt interest payment is now the third largest expenditure we have. How do you feel about this? What should be done?


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Whether I like it or not, there is nothing an individual can do other than to vote any anti-science religious nut candidate out of office. The previous administration started an unnecessary war which ruined the economy. The current administration is trying to stave off a major depression.

What should be done--not that you or I can do this:

1. Stop outsourcing to slave labour countries. Charge any company that does so the cost of that worker's unemployment insurance. All we are doing now is replacing high paying jobs with McDonalds and Wal-mart jobs. That's no way to have a high standard of living.

2. Prevent lawyers from becoming politicians. This used to be the case until shortly before the civil war. Lawyers are officers of the court and giving them the ability to be politicians is a conflict of interest.

3. Term limits.

4. Stop political contributions. Each candidate should get a set amount, and that's it.

5. Tax churches. They're just parasitic organizations anyway.

6. Fund more education. The more educated the general public is, the less they are likely to be fooled by politicians, quacks, religious nuts, and other crazies.


Let it go, eventually the world will self correct. I am hoping that 2012 really happens and we have "The Stand" type event.


Are you Clothed? Sheltered? Employed? Nourished?

Yes? Then stop whining.


We should nuke the countries we are borrowing from so we don't have to pay them back.