Quick Netflix question??? NOT about Netflix?

But there was a movie on there, it's shot all on a recording camera,( like a small normal non-professional one). But the movie is called "Gang Tapes". Its interesting, but Im having trouble determining if it's real or not... If you've seen this movie, or heard about it, I'd appreciate your help in discovering if the movie is fiction... Thanks.


Favorite Answer

It looks like fiction:


I'll have to check it out anyway.


It is not real, just made to look like a real documentary. There is a style called cinéma vérité where the camera and its movements are meant to be noticed by the audience. It is a way to make the story very real and help the audience connect to what is happening on the screen.


certain, I had an Xbox 360 and a Wii correct to a router with ethernet wires and we had something streaming from netflix on the wii and 360 at the same time i do not study wirelessly i take advantage of a stressed out connection