Has the Washington Post and the New York times turned into a pack of wolves?

Asking their readers to go through thousands of Sarah Palins emails to find anything they can to discredit her, they are a force of evil and rabid dogs, they should be hunting Barney Frank and his back room deals and his secret homosexual lovers, something that is really immoral, that's not journalism that's sickness. What has she done that is so bad except speak her mind isn't she free to do that. They should be draining the swamp in their own Dem party. Sick rabid liberals the party of tolerance right. The party of pure evil.

Tee & Kee2011-06-10T11:35:41Z

Favorite Answer

This is what the liberal media does. The only agenda they have is to protect Obama at all costs and make any conservative who is a threat to Obama to look bad even if they have to lie and make things up... This is the liberal media today!


I would be ashamed to say that I worked for either of those two newspapers, oops, I mean rags. If they did this to Barack Obama when he was a candidate, I'd say they were consistent and they were practicing due diligence. But the way they're going after Sarah Palin just shows how biased they are against her. She's not even a presidential candidate at the moment. She's a private citizen. Shame, shame, shame on them. Wasn't it the NYT that pulled an ACORN story right before the November 2008 elections because it would have been unflattering to Barack Obama? Why does anyone even read those papers anymore? If anyone has an ounce of integrity, why would they even want to work for those two "news" outlets? Also, the Obama supporters who never showed an ounce of curiosity about his past, and his scholarly papers, and his affiliations, and his attendance in that racist reverend's church are accomplices in his election to the highest office in the land. Shame on those folks too for not being the least bit curious about a man who never ran a business and who was only a senator for 18 months (voting "present" most of the time and when he did vote, it was to deny life saving care to babies who survived late term abortions). So thanks y'all!

Short Answer: YES


If it were their common practice to do this when information becomes available, it would be one thing. However, this rabid attack on any strong conservative just shows that most media no longer even cares to give the appearance of being unbiased.

On the bright side, the middle pretty much controls every election, and these kind of attacks only bring more people to the conservative side. Who in their right mind thinks that this is how a media outlet should behave?



I wonder why the e-mails of Obama, Biden, Pelosi, H. Clinton and The Weiner are not being asked for and looked at?

They may be wolves after Palin, but they're still sheeple for Obama.


The phrase "turned into" suggests this is something new. It's not. WaPo and the NYT have been at this crap for decades.

I'm going to have to step away from your comments about Barney Frank's sexual habits, however. I'm a live and let live kind of guy.

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