how do immigrants benefit economy?

i have

the housing market
increase in wages and demand for goods
new sources for taxation to pay for baby boomer's social security

any more?
i've heard inflation but can someone reiterate on that?


this is for a school essay i'm writing. i'm a little short page wise.

Made in America2011-06-15T22:45:13Z

Favorite Answer

Hey, I'm with E (above). Illegals are leeches and drain our resources and economy. Do they spend most of their money here? No, they send it to their country of origin. As far as "Undocumented workers" are concerned, NO, THEY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS BY DEFINITION invading our country..


ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM benefit our economy. (Hince the word ILLEGAL)I forgot we are calling them "undocumented workers" now like there isnt millions of them jobless just like the rest of the population. A legal immigrant can only benifit an economy no better than an American citizen. I am SICK AND TIRED of being told america needs immigration to be succesful and they give us so much. THAT IS B.S
America would be absolutely fine on its own without leeches coming from mexico.

candy g2011-06-13T05:45:08Z

when you say immigrants I am assuming you mean LEGAL ones.........

I came here, I already had my degree have paid taxes and the such since I first arrived and have at no point taken from the system [not allowed as a legal immigrant and RIGHTLY so]

I have worked, my son has joined the military, we have a grand son that we paid for to be born and support totally [again not allowed benefits]

We have bought cars, house etc etc so have kept all our money within the USA.


Alex, you need to specify if it is the legal or the illegal immigrants that you are basing your essay on. They are separated by two letters, but are worlds apart in meaning and in what these groups of people have contributed to the US.

89 prob2011-06-13T08:13:31Z

Candy, if What u are stating is true then im Happy to have you. Its the other low down moochers that can go back and take the low down american moochers with u.

Look research Asian immigrants . They have brought us a lot of technology that which has created jobs.

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