What is the best portable GPS device?

I'm talking I need the best GPS device....money is no object...I need a handheld device that will put me within a foot of a GPS coordinate that is 6 digits past the decimal (42.123456).

Anyone have any idea?


this is more what I am after...anything comparable to this?


It is accurate to within inches...costs $5000.00


Favorite Answer

Garmin by far but there are also other options with this. I have a droid x and the navigation that comes on the phone is amazing. I can literally get exact directions. I've never had a problem with it and the picture quality on areal view is unbelievable. I would say get a new phone if your with verizon. Good luck:)


One of the best features I have found on Escort Passport iQ 5" Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator wonderful piece of equiptment is the speed alert. I have a heavy foot at times on the gas peddle. This device is very helpful in reminding me to slow down when going over the speed I have set in the device, that alone will help me out with avoiding speeding tickets besides the fact of it having a radar system inside of it as well. The 5 star reviews of the Passport iQ were helpful in me deciding this purchase. I advise to anyone who is interested in radar detectors or navigational system to visit the website at .



I rather have been a GPS consumer because of the fact the previous 4 years. I rather have used them for walks by using trails, I rather have used them whilst interior the air and additionally whilst driving. i'm very mushy utilising a Garmin Nuvi because of the fact of their adventure with the GPS technologies. especially, i could advise a Garmin Nuvi 360. GPS Navigation professional.

Mysery's Company2011-06-15T12:29:53Z

Any good android cell phone will work. My cell phone app will give me the exact latitude and longitude and address of any location I am at. It gives me accurate door to door driving directions better than any navigation system I have ever had in my car.

Carl N2011-06-15T12:41:25Z

About that money is no object... http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/DELibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp?section=10460

EDIT: Don't know. I didn't get to test the trimble :-) Delorme has a support site. I think you're not going to get inches accuracy with the PN series