Who was the Distributors of Eveready Batteries. Possibly in the year 1948 - 1949 or 1950 after indepenece?
I want to know which company may it is National Carbon or any one else. Who was the National Distributors of Eveready Cells or Batteries.
After the independence of India. I want to know the Distributions in India of the Union Carbide later known as National Carbide. Please. inform if you know. Thanks
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Ever Ready Batteries was a British company. Eveready was an American company. They had the same origin but the British section was sold off by the National Carbon Company during WW1 and then bought back at the beginning of the 1990s by Ralston Purina, the current owners of both. They now produce batteries under the global name of Energizer.
At the time of the Bhopal disaster the American section was owned by Union Carbide who distributed their own batteries and this was probably the case in the time period you quote. Certainly India was the American company's territory at this time. British Ever Ready sold batteries abroad under the name of Berec International Ltd during this period but also supplied Union Carbide with battery components under the name of Berec Components Ltd.
Eveready Batteries was a brand name of Union Carbide. If you look at the battery manufacturers today, you find them investing in the operations of their competitors.