Question for all the people with tattoos.... ?

Don't you find it rather annoying when people go on and on about how "tattoos are permanent" and "they are going to fade and distort", and that they are "ugly to look at it/ it should be illegal"? I swear sometimes I want to crawl through the screen and slap them.

So my question to you is... Doesn't that bother you? Also, how many tattoos do you have and where? What age did you get your first one?

I was 17 when I got my first one. I have a flamingo/palm tree in my right ankle and a large cross w a trinity symbol/wings that covers the top part of my back (between my shoulder). :)


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Well, no it doesn't bother me if the information is correct and true.
1) tattoos are permanent = true - meaning that much thought should go into the images and/or words, and that what you find appealing at 15, you probably will not want when you are 20 or 40 or 60 etc.
2) tattoos fade = true IF you do not take excellent care of them and use the highest SPF sunblock each and every time that you expose your tattoo to the elements, no matter what the weather, and all year round - and you should reapply often.
3) tattoos distort = true IF you get them when your body has not finished growing (under 18), and they distort if you get pregnant or gain a bunch of weight. Sometimes when you are young, your skin will pull back, but often belly tattoos on woman turn into a nightmare with age and pregnancies.
4) tattoos are 'ugly to look at and should be illegal' = false - this is totally opinion based and has no relevancy to anyone wanting a tattoo. It is no one's business what personal permanent decisions you make for your own reasons. Anyone pushing their fears through trying to stop someone from getting a tattoo, is out of line (unless it is a parent or guardian of an underage person). Otherwise, people should get off of their soapbox rants and live their own lives.

I have 5 tattoos, all custom, all personal and unique. I got my 1st tattoo on my 50th birthday.
I have no problems about my tattoos. No one gives me a hard time or treats me differently because of them. And mine are quite visible - one is a large wrist bracelet , and one is a large image on my forearm.

If you don't get defensive, and smile and honestly answer peoples questions, you will find that most people are just curious. Everyone knows someone with tattoos or has some themselves.



I was 13 when I got my first- I did a home tattoo on my ankle, it's a peace symbol the size of a dime. I have five now, three more down my spine between my shoulder blades (libra symbol, compass rose, and aquarius), and one on my left hip/backside (Tool fanclub seven-pointed star. This is not faddish because I have been a fan for 15 years and a member of the fan club for 9. Also, their album Lateralus sustained me through 7 years of college.)

I know they're permanent, I know they fade/ distort. Others' comments don't affect me, because I set some ground rules for my ink:
1. Nothing faddish. I want it for at least a year before I get more ink.
2. No names.
3. No color- black can be easily touched up. (I violated this one for my Tool tat but just one other color- red.)
4. None where a boss, cop or judge will see readily or where there will be a lot of sun exposure. NO NECK TATTOOS!
5. Avoid places which are going to sag or stretch too much with age. No boobs! No stomach! No butt! I do not want to be in the nursing home getting a sponge bath and have to explain that my tat was not originally a California Raisin!


I got my first tattoo when I was 16 on my ankle, it was a cloud with a crown and wings for my little brother that passed away when he was 8 yr. Then I got a small tattoo on my hip that said ftw. Then I got a rosary around my foot where my brothers tattoo was.
No tattoo that has a meaning and symbol behind it is ugly and yes they Are permanent duhhh that's the whole reason lol. I hate it when people try to say they will fade or disort thats why you get them redone and retouched after a long time it's not like you could only do them one time. I specially want to slap people that tell me I'm going to regret my tattoos when I'm super old! My grandma has tattoos on her stomach but you never see her wearing bikini tops or small shirts not because of the tats it's just not a lot of people want to see old people showing skin. Seriously tattoos are like piercings but with a longer commitment. And tattoos have been around longer then a lot of other stuff it's not a strangeRs business if you should or could get a tattoo.


It's funny, that sort of thing never affected me until I came across someone on here.
The only person ever to get to me over this issue is 'Truth'. She makes me want to throw the computer through the window. Her ignorant virulent spew is both erroneous and exposes how completely narrow minded and ew she is.

Lol I usually only trot out the fade/distort card when people on here ask 'is 14 too young for a tattoo'. And sometimes I pull out the reminder of permanence if people sound totally unsure of their decision.

It does bother me when people rant about permanent ugly tattoos from a position of complete ignorance. I have 10 tattoos on my ankle, calves, hips, left wrist, right forearm, right upper arm, wings and one behind my right ear. I got my first at 19 (it took me that long to perfect the design) and I've got them more or less steadily until last weekend. Lol I will get more though when finances allow.


Well, I'm one of the people who talk crap about tattoos because I honestly believe they are eyesores. They look just as bad as scars, the only difference is they were intentional, wanted and paid for!

I've heard of plenty people hiding their tattoos for job interviews or women who try to conceal their tattoos on their wedding day. Ask yourself. Why do they do that? Because they know what type of reaction they'll get. Society has influenced my opinion about tattoos, but I'm adamant about feeling they are ugly. I think clear skin is so beautiful. Ever heard of the saying "you don't know what you got 'til it's gone? Well, clear skin is no exception! It's no mystery what happens to skin as we age and tattoos will only look worse on wrinkled, saggy, varicose-veined skin. These are things many tattoo-getters don't consider the day of. Also, like someone else mentioned, what one loves now, one may hate later down the road. And, the fact that tattoos are PERMANENT doesn't help that analogy. Lasers? Ha! Nothing has proven to completely get rid of tattoos. Not to mention this is considered a cosmetic procedure that is NOT covered by medical insurance. Love the skin you're born in and take care of it - it's the only skin you'll have your entire life. Don't ruin it with tattoos! I personally love the freedom of being able to wear what I want, when I want without ever having to worry about concealing my tattoos. I thank God I never cared to get any.

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