Where can I find used leather tools? What is the best sources on line?

I am looking for the tools which one decorates leather goods with. I am looking for used but in fairly good condition without having to pay a lot (on a fixed income). Does anyone have a reputable site to find them? Any help is appreciated.


I have tried searches and come up with everything but. On Ebay they tend to have people who run the prices up past retail new and the ones on Craig's list were all outdated or sold. Just looking for other sources. Where I live is NOT close to any large cities and not many people around here dabble in that. If they do it, it is a job and they charge a lot if they let their tools go.


You both gave good answers and I can't decide so I will allow the community to choose. I hope they are wiser about this than about their rules about answers. :((


Favorite Answer

I'd suggest eBay and perhaps Craigslist.

Sunday Crone2011-06-16T22:02:47Z

Wow I have not idea, you might try typing that into the search (Used Leather Tools). I have some from years ago and might be interested in selling them, let me know it you can't find another source.