What is a yellow flowering plant hardy in New England winter that can be put in a flower box?

Anyone know of a flowering plant that comes in yellow that I can put in my flower box? I live in New England, and they always die over the winter.


What does plant it in annuals mean? Thanks for the tip about lining the boxes, I will!


Favorite Answer

When a plant is in a planter in winter it doesn't only freeze from the top it freezes from the sides making it a deeper freeze than in the ground.No matter which perennial you plant in it it will die over winter

You have a few options--
You can plant it in annuals
You can line the inside of your box with rigid styrofoam sheeting. If the bottom sits on the ground it's fine. If it sits above the ground you may want to slip some under it for winter.
You can plant in a pot and set it in the planter and lift it out and bury the pot in the ground for winter


Pointsettia comes in yellow and has teensy flowers. Mums are hardy, Autumn Gold rose I have seen blooming in November and January in a flower box. French Marigold. Any of the alpines and there are many! You would need a directory for this and they are some wild so are easy to grow.


actual, iciness flowing pansies, they are purely slightly ckecked in intense frosts, they do extremely flower an excellent variety of the year in case you do no longer enable them to head to seed and supply them a clip while they start getting slightly untidy.