Does Taiwan have any incentives for people to purchase electric cars?

Why does the current KMT government keep trying to debate issues that died 60 years ago? Can they not start trying to lead the way into the future with the rest of the world? A whole new industry awaits the young engineers and scientists of Taiwan. Can someone in charge take command and instead of fighting tired old battles and reliving personal nightmares from the 1970's and trying to relive the boom years of the 1980's and 1990's like ignorant ostriches.. how about they show the world that Taiwan will lead the way into the future weather the UN likes it or not.

Step up or lose out. Your choice, brave leaders.

We left and returned!2011-06-24T07:53:31Z

Favorite Answer

I know of no incentives to buy electric nor hybrid cars in Taiwan.
You understand that the KMT leadership isn't so much dragging their heels in heading into the future; it's that they are rolling over on their backs and saying "Lick me" in accepting money from the CCP which only wishes to suck Taiwan back into the pre-democracy, Martial Law period.


Taiwan does not have an automotive industry. The vehicles in Taiwan are all imported.