How much would a cab cost in 1920s London?

I'm doing research for an audio drama I'm writing. I've been able to find a lot, but when I try and find anything relating to cabs I'm not having much luck.

Exact year is 1926, but anything in the 1920s is helpful.


Cab fare - to ride in.


Favorite Answer

Depends on how far you wanted to go, obviously. In 1907, the fare was 8d for the first mile. Since there was signficant inflation during the Great War and in the years afterwards, I'm guessing that by the mid-20s the fare for the first mile would have risen to somewhere between 1/- and 1/6. Second and subsequent miles would have been charged at about half the rate of the first mile.

All hat2011-06-24T13:49:49Z

Do you mean to ride in or to purchase the vehicle?