Anyone recall a '70s film called something like, "Aspinol & the Blue Velvet Blanket" about a girl & her horse?
Does anybody know the title of an old (mid-1970s) Disney-style family-type movie called something like “Aspinol [or “Aspinoll” or “Aspinal” or “Aspinall”; I am unsure of the spelling] and the Blue Velvet Blanket”, about a young girl and her racehorse? The horse was named after some weird tablet-form medicine that caused dramatic reactions inside of a transparent-walled advertising robot that would “take” the pills one-by-one as someone placed them in its “hand”. I kind of liked the movie, so I wondered if it’s out on video.
UPDATE: Wow, what a quick answer --- it came just a few minutes after I posted my question!! The movie is called, "THE HORSE IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT"! Thanks, Lorellyn!!!