Almost pimple, how to get rid of it?!?

Ok, i think in the UK they call them lurkers. Like a pimple thats big and painful and red, but you can't squeeze it without feeling like your face is about to explode. So i have one on my chin and it hurts, ive had it for about a week, and it won't go away. It wont' turn white or black or anything. It's just a red lump of crapiness that i can't get rid of. Oh btw, i'm starting my modeling classes soon, and we can't wear make-up, so i'd rather not have a big red lump on my chin. Any ideas that don't involve some expensive cleanser or zitzap would be appreciated.


Favorite Answer

ok, honestly the best thing to do would be to just leave it. it will go away soon. if you mess with it, it might get even more big and red and painful. just use cleanser and moisturiser daily like normal, as that should help prevent any more forming and will keep the rest of your face great for modelling! good luck :)


What I do is put a little bit of toothpaste, a thin amount on the pimple only, use the white toothpaste(like colgate), it reduces the appearance of it, but it turns red in the morning and the redness goes away in 2-3 days. You can use it when your at home or sleep with it too, just wash it off,


Niacinamide face cleansing pads are an efficient and straightforward thank you to maintain pimples away. in basic terms place a pad on the pimple and watch it fade away. Lavender Oil enables ward off dermis drying. Niacinamide pads are additionally consumer-friendly as nutrition B3 pads or Nicotinamide pads. Works on physique pimples too. provide them a attempt and you'd be pleasantly shocked. Niacinamide additionally enables shrink dermis-hyperpigmentation (pimples scars).


Try Hydrogen Peroxide. It is found in most drugstores and is really cheap. Put some on a paper towel, and then rub it on your pimple. It should tone it down, and it is really gentle. Hope this helps!


u can go to this website.

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