What rule determines usage of "us" or "we" in sentences like "We Americans like hot dogs?"?

I use the informal rule that you always use the pronoun that you would otherwise use if the "clarifying" noun were not in the sentence. So the following sentences are both correct: "We Americans like hot dogs." "Give hot dogs to us Americans." Similarly, "Us Americans like hot dogs." and "Give hot dogs to we Americans" is incorrect. (You wouldn't say "Us like hot dogs." or "Give we hot dogs.") What I would like to know is how to explain that rule using the rules of grammar. I suppose I would also have to ask if anyone thinks that my explanation is incorrect.

Bob B2011-06-26T17:25:35Z

Your explanation is correct.

"We" is the pronoun that's used as a subject. In the sentence "We Americans like hot dogs.", it's the subject for the verb "like".

"Us" is the pronoun that's used as a object. In the sentence "Give hot dogs to us Americans", it's the object for the preposition "to".


what if the sentence goes, "No one but us Americans like hot dog." or "No one but we Americans like hot dog." will the 'no one but' make a different in the answer?


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What rule determines usage of "us" or "we" in sentences like "We Americans like hot dogs?"?
I use the informal rule that you always use the pronoun that you would otherwise use if the "clarifying" noun were not in the sentence. So the following sentences are both correct: "We Americans like hot dogs." "Give hot dogs to us Americans." Similarly, "Us...


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Us Or We

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