Justice Ginsberg is not retiring, will she be the reason Conservatives will get a solid SC majority?

If she stepped down now, Obama could appoint her replacement. Although she is risking a republican winning and replacing her (she's 80yo)..With a conservative creating a solid conservative SC for possibly decades..

Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts, ?

Is Ginsberg making a mistake?


Favorite Answer

I'll be glad to see Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg go.

I think President Bachmann and her majority Court could get rid of unconstitutional legislation like Roe v. Wade and ObamaCare.


The shape, written by utilising people who fought the main powerful and nicely-related employer the earth has ever seen - the East India organization - with their monopolies and bully-taxation on no account became into written to furnish human rights to firms. For this traitorous deception - might all of them decline in wellness till they could go away the courtroom - in the subsequent 3 years!


I have heard the arguments in favor of Ruth falling on her sword for the sake of cynicism.
But, in the end, I believe the electorate will realize the 2012 Election is a lot about the Supremes.
In fact, President Obama is banking on it.


The main reason Obama needs to be reelected is the Supreme Court, where both Kennedy and Ginsberg are likely to retire within the next presidential term.

See Citizens United and read SCOTUS history to understand how right wingers on the Supreme Court have enabled multinational banksters and corporations to buy off our elected “representatives.”

To get the Big Money corruption out of our government, see:


Abraham Lincoln2011-07-06T16:43:16Z

A little tid bit about Ruth. She was confirmed by every single Republican senator, except 3 holdouts. ALL but 3. When I saw that, my jaw dropped in utter disbelief, but it's true.

I think she should stay on. If she can keep going for at least one year, maybe two.... There is a good chance we can get a Conservative into that seat.


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