Need help picking a "trunk gun"?

Hi I getting a trunk gun for my car. Here are some of the ideas that I have:

Kel Tec Sub 2000, Kel Tec Sub 16c, Hi Point Carbine, 12 gauge Shotgun.

I'm looking for something low cost (<$400), decently accurate, reliable, decent stopping power, compact.

I have considered an SKS but i just don't like the idea of a free floating firing pin and in order to convert it I have to jump through the 922r hoops.

Any experience, advice or opinions are welcome but please explain your position. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Trunk gun?.... Shotgun of course!....

Slugs for big critters, buckshot for 2 legged critters and bird shot for small critters.....

Decent stopping power? - Up close? - Not much beats a shotgun....

Consider one of those 5 or 6 shot short barrel police type shotguns.... A Mossberg 500 12 guage Cruiser Model would be great.....


USMC Echo Two Sierra2011-07-11T05:32:57Z

I REALLY like the Hi Point Carbine, I was going to buy one, but didn't have the money at the time, and when I did get it, my gun store stopped carrying them AND I enlisted into the Marine Corps... This just my opinion, but out of all those weapons you mentioned, I like the carbine the best.

Bear Crap2011-07-11T06:37:20Z

I agree with the others; shotgun. Each 00 buck shot 12 ga 2 ¾ inch shot shell holds around 8 .33 caliber balls, the 000 holds 6ea .36 caliber balls. So with one buckshot round you have 6 to 8 lead balls hitting your foe at one time. So if you’re off a tad with a 9mm you may just wound them and they can still shot you. But with a chest full of buckshot and its usually a done deal.


I've had a trunk gun for many years. It's a Mossberg 500. Sometimes with a pistol grip stock and sometimes with a standard stock.


I'm also thinking of a 12 ga. Mossberg 500. The versatility is unmatched in this group of firearms you've listed.

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