Help with spelling the nickname of my character?

The character is named Maurici. His nicknames are Ric (pronounced "Reese") and Rici (pronounced "Reesee"). How should I spell these nicknames in my manuscript?

Ric looks too much like Rick, and Rice looks like it's pronounced...well..."rice". So I thought of just typing out Reese. I think people would pronounce Rici correctly, but I kind of want the spelling of both nicknames to be uniform.

So should I use Reese and Reesee? Or do you have any other suggestions?


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Ric and Rici come out in my head as Rick and Rickie, so it's a good idea to change the spelling to avoid confusion.

For Ric I'd suggest Reece, which keeps the C from his name while still giving a clear pronunciation.

Rici is a bit harder. Maybe Reecie, or even just Reeci would work.


No, I think Rici would look better than Reesee. It would be much better visually to keep the nicknames uniform with the spelling of the original name. If the reader can pronounce Maurici, they should be able to understand Ric or Rici.

Looking at the other answers, apparently people DON'T understand, lol. Maybe Reese and Rici? I really, really don't like Reesee. Reese would indicate (hopefully) to readers that the c is pronounced like an /s/ and not a /k/.


Yeah you should do Reese and Reesee, it's less confusing and it makes sense. :) As a reader, I'd understand it better that way.

Good luck :)


rees and reesee....dnt add the e in the first 1