what,s the definition of life?
what,s the definition of life?
what,s the definition of life?
Part Time Cynic
Favorite Answer
According to Monty Python it is "a sexually transmitted condition with a 100% mortality rate"
Fake Genius
you don't have to spend 5 points on this. you can search on Yahoo Answers - it's one of the most asked question. And you will find my answers as well.
Here what I think life is: an embryo is made by two parents that becomes a fetus to be given birth within 10 months. Then life begins as the experience of both like and dislike feelings and emotions through the struggle of keeping life alive - yet it will eventually end in death.
Just do honestly think about reality. If you don't have much knowledge yet, you can borrow it from other people around you by asking them to tell about their experiences, or read books. You have to think honestly without bias toward anything - either philosophy or religion.
Just see life at its absolute natural state. Then you will see its meaning.
I would have to say no. I think that yahoo started out with a great idea and now it has spiraled out of control and most people on here are not serious about their answers or questions. I try and answer my questions as seriously as possible with the hope that perhaps something I have written might help someone. But no I would have to say nothing i have seen here has changed my life for the better or the worse. Mainly confirmed my belief that we as a society are not learning anything or trying to improve ourselves.
Good Grief
Love is Life
Dr. Know
From a scientifically approach, it is any organism that has a system of organs that exists for a period of time and pro-creates.
From a human's perspective, I'd call it a very short time in which you are given to enjoy the incredible beauty and gift of life itself.